Digging Into God’s Word Part Two

Instead of turning to a commentary or a devotional, the best way to interpret the Bible is to use other Scripture. So the first tool I recommend when it comes to diving into a passage is the cross-reference tool. If you don’t have a Bible with a built-in cross reference, I recommend you get one.

We all Need Encouragement

Who is someone you could go out and encourage today? What random stranger could you give an unexpected, unknown encouragement to? Your encouragement to them today will mean a lot coming from you. You could give a random friend a hug and tell them you’re happy that the two of you are friends. You could call up a random friend and tell them you miss them and are praying for them.

God’s Will

Godswill So many Christians in our day and age wonder what God’s will is for their lives. When we read Jeremiah 29:11, we wonder what plans God has for our lives. Sadly, we’ve somehow been lead to believe that we must grope about in the darkness for this secret plan God must be hiding from us, since we don’t know what it is. The first problem with this subconscious view on our lives is that if God had a specific plan for us, why would He hide it from us? If He truly loves us, which I do believe—would He hide His plan for our good from us, if we needed to know it to somehow follow it??