You Only Live Once

I look around and I see many Christians who are living with little or no joy. We’re all so caught up in our goals and mental checklists that we’ve lost all happiness or appetite for this moment right now. We’re either trying so hard to make it to the next rung on the ladder or to make tonight the “best night of our lives” that we’re secretly depressed on the inside.

We are Clay on the Potter’s Wheel

The truth is that God is God and we are not. He is the one who has made us. He is the one who calls the shots. He knows what He wants to do with us. He is the one who is in charge. He is the one who loves us. He is the one who knows the number of hairs on our heads. He is the one who was there at the beginning and He is the only one guaranteed to be there at the end.

Thoughts on Christian-Subculture Part Two

I can’t help but wonder what we as Christians do, say or think that is particularly indicative of our specific culture or upbringing that is influencing us. What things from our culture are influencing us that are un-Christian? What things might influence us that contradict our faith? What things could we be learning from Christians from other time periods or other countries and therefore from other cultures?

We all Need Encouragement

Who is someone you could go out and encourage today? What random stranger could you give an unexpected, unknown encouragement to? Your encouragement to them today will mean a lot coming from you. You could give a random friend a hug and tell them you’re happy that the two of you are friends. You could call up a random friend and tell them you miss them and are praying for them.

We are the Watchmen

You see Christian, you and I are the watchmen. We must show the love and grace of Jesus. We must not pull the punches and fail to speak when there is truth that must be declared. We must be brutally honest. This world needs (though often does not want to hear) the truth and it needs to be bold in our proclamation of what is true. However, we must speak the truth in love.

We’ve become Church Cynics & Critics

churchcyniccritic You have churches popping up all over the place and yet still more and more churches are dying out. It’s like a consumerist propaganda, each church is trying to sell themselves as having what the guy down the street doesn’t have and I hear people comparing churches like they compare hamburger joints. The preferences over theology, music, eschatology, liturgy, and preaching style have caused a great splintering of the evangelical Church in America.

Be Still…I am God

SONY DSC We go days, weeks and months without purposely being still. When we are caught in a situation where we must wait we are bored out of our minds. We’re impatient as we wait and become crankier and more irritated the longer that waiting lasts. Some of us have ways of dealing with these times and they often involve either taking a nap or whipping out our smart phone to surf the internet, text, e-mail or something fun or work related to pass the time and feel productive.

Delight Yourself in the Lord

delightyourself If you find yourself admiring the One who made our souls to run on Himself, what else would you find that would be more satisfactory to your soul? If you find yourself delighting in the one who made laughter, joy and happiness, what else do you think would bring you joy in this life? Once you have delighted yourself in the Lord, I believe your heart will want nothing else besides Him.

The Work of His Hand

SONY DSC We all know that God has a plan for our lives. I think often we’re afraid that plan will be boring or that His plan will lead us somewhere we don’t want to go. I think we often hope that God will bless our plans. That He will simply let us drive and just come along for the ride. But what if living like that wasn’t God’s plan for us? I think the concept of God’s will for our lives has left Christians divided and confused.